Cancellation Policy:
We have strict cancellation policy; if you cancel within two weeks of your booking we will charge 20% of your stay or 1 x nights accommodation. To avoid these charges please let us know as soon as possible if you wish to cancel. Please refer to any third party cancellation policies when booking through a third party agent like

Park Information/Rules:

RECEPTION HOURS: 9am – 5pm Monday to Sunday. For emergencies outside these hours, please phone the number on the reception door.  Reception hours may extend during long weekends and holiday periods.

ARRIVAL/CHECK-IN: Check-in time is between 2pm & 5pm. Please inform us if you require check-in after these hours.

DEPARTURE/CHECKOUT: Checkout time is no later than 10am. Please drop keys at reception or key return box outside reception on departure.

INTERNET ACCESS: WiFi is available at the reception complimentary with your stay.  Please ask reception for a Hotspot docket.

DAY VISITORS: Must report and sign visitors book at Reception. All visiting guests must leave the park grounds by 7pm.  Visitors are not permitted to arrive after 5pm without prior approval from reception staff. Visitor’s cars must be left outside camp grounds. Only guests’ vehicles are permitted in the park. A visitor’s Day Pass is $10 per person. If not paid, the registered guest will be charged. Visitors are at the discretion of management at all times and are the responsibility of the registered guest.

NO PARTIES: We do not allow parties.

QUIET: Respectfully quietness is required between the hours of 10pm & 8am. Please be thoughtful of your fellow campers at all times.


– Reasonable behaviour and dress at all times

– No loud swearing or bad language

– Excessive drinking and parties are forbidden

Management reserve the right at any time to refuse entry and to remove from the park any person or group, who in the opinion of management behave in an objectionable manner or contravene the park rules. No refund will be made in such circumstances.

ALCOHOL: Permitted on guest’s site/unit only and will not be tolerated around the grounds or in communal buildings. Unless permitted by management at a Park event. Management reserves the right to prohibit alcohol consumption within any area of the park at all times.

SMOKING: We have a “NO SMOKING” policy in all our accommodation units and communal buildings. Additional charges will be made if you fail to observe this rule.

ACCOMMODATION: Please notify office of any spills, breakages or faulty equipment immediately so we can rectify it. Cleaning charges ($100.00) for smoky or excessively dirty rooms will apply. Please keep BBQ’s, bikes/scooters/skateboards off decks.

DAMAGED OR MISSING PROPERTY: Costs of damage to property, accommodation or any missing items will be charged.

PETS: Dogs owned by guests staying on Powered Sites and/or Tent Sites are permitted with prior arrangement at a cost of $5 per night per dog. They must be on a lead at all times within camp grounds and owners are expected to clean up after their dog. Note that under no circumstances are pets allowed inside any units and/or buildings. Breach of this rule will result in immediate eviction of the dog owner’s party from the camp with no refund.

VEHICLE SPEED: Walking pace for cars and bikes. Motorcyclists and cyclists must wear a helmet. Quads and motorbikes to be used in moderation around the park. All children must have adult supervision when riding bikes of all types at all times and may not operate any vehicle that is not intended for their age category. Please watch out for CHILDREN. Speeding or dangerous driving could lead to you and/or your vehicle being denied entry. All drivers must hold a CURRENT AND VALID DRIVER LICENCE.

CHILDREN: Adults & caregivers are responsible for their child’s supervision, behaviour and safety at all times.

PLAYGROUND: Children must be supervised at all times. No dogs in or around playground area please. Management is not responsible for injuries or accidents caused while playing on playground. Please follow the playground rules.

TRIKES FOR HIRE: Equipment available from reception office. Adult to sign hire agreement. Trikes are to be kept within the boundary of the Holiday Park.

WHANAU ROOM/TV LOUNGE: Please respect and be thoughtful of your fellow guests at all times.

One by the top toilet block and one outside the TV Lounge. Please help us to limit land fill waste and help the environment by using correct bin.

Coin operated washing machines ($3) dryers ($3) iron & ironing board. Washing Powder ($2.00) available at reception. Please clean up when finished.

All showers are free of charge and have hot water for 5 – 8 mins. Please be mindful of water usage.

Our spacious kitchen offers boiling water, microwaves, fridges and freezers (no fish bait please), toasters, ovens, hobs and dish washing area. Please supervise children at all times in kitchen, respect the facilities and keep it clean.

Each site/unit is allocated one car park per room. For extra parking, see reception.

Please do not empty chemical toilets waste down the toilets. Use the dump station located at the top toilet block.

Please only use the dump station if necessary.  The nearest dump station is on St Stephens Ave, Tuakau.  If you can wait until you leave the campground, please do as tank capacity is limited.

Open fires or fireworks are not permitted in the park.

BBQs: Camp BBQs are at your disposal at our BBQ’s areas. Please leave BBQ’s clean for next guests. No BBQ’s on decks.  At any time if using your own BBQ personal gas bottles are permitted, due to OSH regulations NO ACCELERANTS OR OPEN FLAME ALLOWED.

Any lost property handed in to reception is kept for a maximum of 2 months, after that, it is donated to charity.

As a reminder, please ensure all valuables are secure. Lock your doors and ensure all vehicles are locked.  Any guest found taking other peoples property without there permission will result in immediate eviction with no refunds.

Must have a current electrical COF.

Illegal drugs and activities are not permitted in the park, authorities will be alerted if we find that you breach this rule.

If there is a continuous sounding of the smoke/fire alarm in the building/unit (not the siren from the next door fire station!), or the instruction is given by a Warden to evacuate, then all occupants must leave the building/unit immediately. Once you have evacuated, notify management immediately (ring the bell outside the reception doors if office unattended) and then proceed to your nearest assembly area (The Playground Area).

Thank you for taking the time to read this information, we hope you enjoy your stay.